
pymc-learn is used and developed by individuals at some institutions.


Conversation happens in the following places:

  1. Usage questions are directed to Stack Overflow with the #pymc_learn tag. Pymc-learn developers monitor this tag and get e-mails whenever a question is asked.
  2. Bug reports and feature requests are managed on the GitHub issue tracker

Asking for help

We welcome usage questions and bug reports from all users, even those who are new to using the project. There are a few things you can do to improve the likelihood of quickly getting a good answer.

  1. Ask questions in the right place: We strongly prefer the use of StackOverflow or Github issues over Twitter. Github and StackOverflow are more easily searchable by future users and so is more efficient for everyone’s time.

    If you have a general question about how something should work or want best practices then use Stack Overflow. If you think you have found a bug then use GitHub.

  2. Ask only in one place: Please restrict yourself to posting your question in only one place (likely Stack Overflow or Github) and don’t post in both.

  3. Create a minimal example: It is ideal to create minimal, complete, verifiable examples. This significantly reduces the time that answerers spend understanding your situation and so results in higher quality answers more quickly.

    See also this blogpost about crafting minimal bug reports. These have a much higher likelihood of being answered.