Source code for pmlearn.gaussian_process.gpr

"""Gaussian process regression. """

# Authors: Daniel Emaasit <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
import theano

from ..exceptions import NotFittedError
from ..base import BayesianModel, BayesianRegressorMixin

from .kernels import RBF

[docs]class GaussianProcessRegressorMixin(BayesianRegressorMixin): """Mixin class for Gaussian Process Regression """
[docs] def predict(self, X, return_std=False): """ Perform Prediction Predicts values of new data with a trained Gaussian Process Regression model Parameters ---------- X : numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_features] return_std : Boolean Whether to return standard deviations with mean values. Defaults to False. """ if self.trace is None: raise NotFittedError('Run fit on the model before predict.') num_samples = X.shape[0] if self.cached_model is None: self.cached_model = self.create_model() self._set_shared_vars({'model_input': X, 'model_output': np.zeros(num_samples)}) with self.cached_model: f_pred ="f_pred", X) self.ppc = pm.sample_ppc(self.trace, vars=[f_pred], samples=2000) if return_std: return self.ppc['f_pred'].mean(axis=0), \ self.ppc['f_pred'].std(axis=0) else: return self.ppc['f_pred'].mean(axis=0)
[docs]class GaussianProcessRegressor(BayesianModel, GaussianProcessRegressorMixin): """ Gaussian Process Regression built using PyMC3. Fit a Gaussian process model and estimate model parameters using MCMC algorithms or Variational Inference algorithms Parameters ---------- prior_mean : mean object The mean specifying the mean function of the GP. If None is passed, the mean "" is used as default. kernel : covariance function (kernel) The function specifying the covariance of the GP. If None is passed, the kernel "RBF()" is used as default. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman2 >>> from pmlearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor >>> from pmlearn.gaussian_process.kernels import DotProduct, WhiteKernel >>> X, y = make_friedman2(n_samples=500, noise=0, random_state=0) >>> kernel = DotProduct() + WhiteKernel() >>> gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel).fit(X, y) >>> gpr.score(X, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3680... >>> gpr.predict(X[:2,:], return_std=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (array([653.0..., 592.1...]), array([316.6..., 316.6...])) Reference ---------- Rasmussen and Williams (2006). Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. """ def __init__(self, prior_mean=None, kernel=None): self.ppc = None = None self.num_training_samples = None self.num_pred = None self.prior_mean = prior_mean self.kernel = kernel super(GaussianProcessRegressor, self).__init__()
[docs] def create_model(self): """ Creates and returns the PyMC3 model. Note: The size of the shared variables must match the size of the training data. Otherwise, setting the shared variables later will raise an error. See Returns ---------- model: the PyMC3 model. """ model_input = theano.shared(np.zeros([self.num_training_samples, self.num_pred])) model_output = theano.shared(np.zeros(self.num_training_samples)) self.shared_vars = { 'model_input': model_input, 'model_output': model_output, } model = pm.Model() with model: length_scale = pm.Gamma('length_scale', alpha=2, beta=1, shape=(1, self.num_pred)) signal_variance = pm.HalfCauchy('signal_variance', beta=5, shape=1) noise_variance = pm.HalfCauchy('noise_variance', beta=5, shape=1) if self.kernel is None: cov_function = signal_variance ** 2 * RBF( input_dim=self.num_pred, ls=length_scale) else: cov_function = self.kernel if self.prior_mean is None: mean_function = else: mean_function = self.prior_mean =, cov_func=cov_function) f ='f', X=model_input.get_value()) y = pm.Normal('y', mu=f, sd=noise_variance, observed=model_output) return model
[docs] def save(self, file_prefix): params = { 'inference_type': self.inference_type, 'num_pred': self.num_pred, 'num_training_samples': self.num_training_samples } super(GaussianProcessRegressor, self).save(file_prefix, params)
[docs] def load(self, file_prefix): params = super(GaussianProcessRegressor, self).load( file_prefix, load_custom_params=True) self.inference_type = params['inference_type'] self.num_pred = params['num_pred'] self.num_training_samples = params['num_training_samples']
[docs]class StudentsTProcessRegressor(BayesianModel, GaussianProcessRegressorMixin): """ StudentsT Process Regression built using PyMC3. Fit a StudentsT process model and estimate model parameters using MCMC algorithms or Variational Inference algorithms Parameters ---------- prior_mean : mean object The mean specifying the mean function of the StudentsT process. If None is passed, the mean "" is used as default. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman2 >>> from pmlearn.gaussian_process import StudentsTProcessRegressor >>> from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import DotProduct, WhiteKernel >>> X, y = make_friedman2(n_samples=500, noise=0, random_state=0) >>> kernel = DotProduct() + WhiteKernel() >>> spr = StudentsTProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel).fit(X, y) >>> spr.score(X, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3680... >>> spr.predict(X[:2,:], return_std=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (array([653.0..., 592.1...]), array([316.6..., 316.6...])) Reference ---------- Rasmussen and Williams (2006). Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. """ def __init__(self, prior_mean=None, kernel=None): self.ppc = None = None self.num_training_samples = None self.num_pred = None self.prior_mean = prior_mean self.kernel = kernel super(StudentsTProcessRegressor, self).__init__()
[docs] def create_model(self): """ Creates and returns the PyMC3 model. Note: The size of the shared variables must match the size of the training data. Otherwise, setting the shared variables later will raise an error. See Returns ---------- model : the PyMC3 model """ model_input = theano.shared(np.zeros([self.num_training_samples, self.num_pred])) model_output = theano.shared(np.zeros(self.num_training_samples)) self.shared_vars = { 'model_input': model_input, 'model_output': model_output, } = None model = pm.Model() with model: length_scale = pm.Gamma('length_scale', alpha=2, beta=0.5, shape=(1, self.num_pred)) signal_variance = pm.HalfCauchy('signal_variance', beta=2, shape=1) noise_variance = pm.HalfCauchy('noise_variance', beta=2, shape=1) degrees_of_freedom = pm.Gamma('degrees_of_freedom', alpha=2, beta=0.1, shape=1) if self.kernel is None: cov_function = signal_variance ** 2 * RBF( input_dim=self.num_pred, ls=length_scale) else: cov_function = self.kernel if self.prior_mean is None: mean_function = else: mean_function = self.prior_mean =, cov_func=cov_function) f ='f', X=model_input.get_value()) y = pm.StudentT('y', mu=f, lam=1 / signal_variance, nu=degrees_of_freedom, observed=model_output) return model
[docs] def save(self, file_prefix): params = { 'inference_type': self.inference_type, 'num_pred': self.num_pred, 'num_training_samples': self.num_training_samples } super(StudentsTProcessRegressor, self).save(file_prefix, params)
[docs] def load(self, file_prefix): params = super(StudentsTProcessRegressor, self).load( file_prefix, load_custom_params=True) self.inference_type = params['inference_type'] self.num_pred = params['num_pred'] self.num_training_samples = params['num_training_samples']
[docs]class SparseGaussianProcessRegressor(BayesianModel, GaussianProcessRegressorMixin): """ Sparse Gaussian Process Regression built using PyMC3. Fit a Sparse Gaussian process model and estimate model parameters using MCMC algorithms or Variational Inference algorithms Parameters ---------- prior_mean : mean object The mean specifying the mean function of the GP. If None is passed, the mean "" is used as default. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_friedman2 >>> from pmlearn.gaussian_process import SparseGaussianProcessRegressor >>> from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import DotProduct, WhiteKernel >>> X, y = make_friedman2(n_samples=500, noise=0, random_state=0) >>> kernel = DotProduct() + WhiteKernel() >>> sgpr = SparseGaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel).fit(X, y) >>> sgpr.score(X, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3680... >>> sgpr.predict(X[:2,:], return_std=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (array([653.0..., 592.1...]), array([316.6..., 316.6...])) Reference ---------- Rasmussen and Williams (2006). Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning. """ def __init__(self, prior_mean=None, kernel=None): self.ppc = None = None self.num_training_samples = None self.num_pred = None self.prior_mean = prior_mean self.kernel = kernel super(SparseGaussianProcessRegressor, self).__init__()
[docs] def create_model(self): """ Creates and returns the PyMC3 model. Note: The size of the shared variables must match the size of the training data. Otherwise, setting the shared variables later will raise an error. See Returns ---------- model : the PyMC3 model """ model_input = theano.shared(np.zeros([self.num_training_samples, self.num_pred])) model_output = theano.shared(np.zeros(self.num_training_samples)) self.shared_vars = { 'model_input': model_input, 'model_output': model_output, } = None model = pm.Model() with model: length_scale = pm.Gamma('length_scale', alpha=2, beta=1, shape=(1, self.num_pred)) signal_variance = pm.HalfCauchy('signal_variance', beta=5, shape=1) noise_variance = pm.HalfCauchy('noise_variance', beta=5, shape=1) if self.kernel is None: cov_function = signal_variance ** 2 * RBF( input_dim=self.num_pred, ls=length_scale) else: cov_function = self.kernel if self.prior_mean is None: mean_function = else: mean_function = self.prior_mean =, cov_func=cov_function, approx="FITC") # initialize 20 inducing points with K-means # gp.util Xu =, X=model_input.get_value()) y ='y', X=model_input.get_value(), Xu=Xu, y=model_output.get_value(), sigma=noise_variance) return model
[docs] def save(self, file_prefix): params = { 'inference_type': self.inference_type, 'num_pred': self.num_pred, 'num_training_samples': self.num_training_samples } super(SparseGaussianProcessRegressor, self).save(file_prefix, params)
[docs] def load(self, file_prefix): params = super(SparseGaussianProcessRegressor, self).load( file_prefix, load_custom_params=True) self.inference_type = params['inference_type'] self.num_pred = params['num_pred'] self.num_training_samples = params['num_training_samples']